Landscape Architecture Environmental Design Historic Preservation Planning


St. James Baptist Church Cemetery

We love to work on a heritage preservation story right in our backyard. WLA Studio is teaming with Historic Athens to produce a Preservation Brief for St. James Baptist Church Cemetery, located in the Oconee Heights neighborhood of Athens, Georgia. This documentation effort is funded by a grant from the Watson Brown Foundation Junior Board of Athens. The WLA team gathered GIS data for the site, recording existing landscape features and their condition including vegetation, head and footstones, grave markers, and grave depressions. The final report will include general preservation and maintenance guidelines for this local historic resource.

UPDATE: St. James Baptist Church Cemetery has been placed on Athens 2020 Places in Peril list, a list of historic properties/sites in the local community at risk of being lost to neglect. The documentation project aims at recognizing the historic value of the cemetery as a heritage resource for the community. Flagpole Article

Madie Fischetti